Detection of microorganisms in different species via metagenomic and new generation sequencing
The molecular methods of detection and identification of microorganisms, together with the new generation sequencing has allowed an unprecedented progress in Microbiology. The identification of these microorganisms ceased to depend on traditional isolation and started to be carried out directly through the detection of genomes. This change, which allowed the detection of microorganisms until now uncultivable. In short, the methodologies used to allow fragments of nucleic acids to be amplified, sequenced and analyzed using different Bioinformatics tools, being then compared with the sequences already available in the genomic databases. This method has allowed the discovery and characterization of different species of viruses, bacteria, archaea and fungi. In addition, the number of collections of sequence data from the most diverse studies is increasing. Thus, we can use this data in the search for microorganisms and make new discoveries. Below are the projects that were approved and being executed.
Project: “PPBio Network of Campos Sulinos of the Pampa Biome”
Grants and calls: CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT Call No. 07/2023 – Development of Strategic Actions for Biodiversity Policies within the scope of the Biodiversity Research Program (PPBio)
Process number: 441212/2023-9
Contract term: 12/11/2023 to 12/31/2026
Coordinator: Prof. Valerio De Patta Pillar/UFRGS
Project: “Surveillance of Emerging Diseases, Zoonoses and the Anthropogenic Impact on Antarctic Ecology through Monitoring of Viruses and Bacteria Resistance Genes in Animals and the Antarctic Environment”
Grants and calls: CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT Call No. 08/2023 – Support for Research, Development and Innovation related to Antarctica – PROANTAR
Process number: 440901/2023-5
Contract term: 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2026
Coordinator: Prof Paulo Roehe/UFRGS
Project: “Study of the interactome of the Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 during the first hours of infection in vitro and in vivo using the Virus Like Particles (VLP) system”
Grants and calls: CNPQ/MCTI Call No. 17/2023 - Research to combat H5N1 bird flu
Process number: 444739/2023-8
Contract term: 12/13/2023 to 12/13/2026
Coordinator: Prof Paulo Roehe/UFRGS
Project: “Zoonotic risks in regions of environmental degradation of the Amazon biome: Understanding the Amazonian microbiome and virome”
Grants and calls: Call for Proposals FAPERGS 003/2022 – Amazon Initiative +10
Process number: 22/2551-0001598-0
Contract term: 12/09/2022 to 12/30/2025
Coordinator: Dr Fabrício Campos - UFRGS
Project: “Immune memory in individuals who received different SARS-CoV-2 vaccination schedules in the Rio Grande do Sul”
Grants and calls: FAPERGS 10/2021 - Newly doctoral or newly-hired grant – ARD/ARC
Process number: 22/2551-0000600-0
Contract term: 07/01/2022 to 07/01/2024
Coordinator: Dr Clévia Rosset - HCPA
Project: “Phase II - Corona-omic BR MCTI National network of genomes, exome and transcriptome of COVID-19”
Grants and calls: COVID-19: Sequencing and monitoring
Process number: 01.22.0074.00 (1227/21)
Contract term: 03/15/2022 to 03/15/2025
Coordinator: Prof. Fernando Rosado Spilki - Feevale University
Project website:
Project: “Use of technological tools to strengthen surveillance of the yellow fever virus in Brazil”
Grants and calls: CNPq Call No. 4/2021 - Research Productivity Scholarships - PQ
Process number: 309626/2021-8
Contract term: 03/01/2022 to 02/28/2025
Coordinator: Prof Fabrício Campos/UFT
Project: “Virome determination in naso/oropharyngeal swab samples collected during the COVID-19 pandemic”
Grants and calls: Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre
Process number: 2020-0726
Contract term: 01/06/2021 to 01/06/2022
Coordinator: Dr Fernanda de Paris - HCPA
Project: "Corona-omica-BR MCTIC / FINEP: National network of genomes, exome and transcriptome of COVID-19 to identify risk factors associated with the pandemic spread and severity”
Grants and calls: COVID-19: Sequencing and monitoring
Process number: 0462/20 (01.20.0029.00)
Contract term: 7/21/2020 to 7/21/2022
Coordinator: Prof. Fernando Rosado Spilki - Feevale University
Project website:
Project: "Development of Portable Technology for SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Tests based on Nucleic Acids and Surface Plasmon Resonance under Electrochemical Modulation"
Grants and calls: Emergencial FAPERGS 06/2020 - Science and Technology in the Fight against COVID-19
Process number: 20 / 2551-0000276-4
Contract term: 05/22/2020 to 05/31/2021
Coordinator: Prof. Marcelo Barbalho Pereira - Physics Institute / UFRGS
Project: “Use of genetic, mathematical and technological tools to assess the risk of transmission and strengthen surveillance of the yellow fever virus in the five Brazilian regions”
Grants and calls: CNPq/MS-SCTIE-Decit Nº 22/2019 - Neglected Tropical Diseases
Process number: 443215/2019-7
Contract term: 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2023
Coordinator: Prof Paulo Roehe/UFRGS
Project website:
Project: “Arbovirus surveillance through new generation sequencing in samples of mosquitoes collected in Tocantins”
Grants and calls: nº 01/2018 FAPT/TO-Decit/SCTIE/MS/CNPq
Process number: EFP_00017797
Contract term: 09/09/2019 to 03/15/2022
Coordinator: Prof Fabrício Campos/UFT
Project: “Incidence of antibodies against arbovirus in human sera collected in the southern region of the state of Tocantins”
Grants and calls: PPGBiotec/Fiocruz
Process number: 3,981
Contract term: 03/01/2019 to 03/01/2022
Coordinator: Prof Fabrício Campos/UFT
Project: “Arbovirus surveillance through new generation sequencing in samples of mosquitoes collected in Tocantins”
Grants and calls: MCTIC/CNPq Nº 28/2018 – Universal/Faixa A
Process number: 421370/2018-1
Contract term: 02/18/2019 to 08/31/2022
Coordinator: Prof Fabrício Campos/UFT